Mini Snakky H.E

Mini Snakky H.E new york, we love new york Mini Snakky H.E new york, we love new york

Small in Size, Big in Efficiency

Helping to satisfy the snack needs of small and intimate gatherings, the MiniSnakky completes the Necta range as the perfect solutionfor smaller locations, with the ability to dispense bottles, cans, snacks and confectionary.

This compact slave model can be banked with the Brio 3 or Solista drinks machines to produce a complete snack and beverage solution on those environments where high quality refreshmentsare demanded, but space is at a premium. Thanks to LED lighting of the cell Minisnakky H.E. has reached the A class according to EVA E.M.P. 3.0 energy consumption protocol.



A complete and flexible offer

  • Possibility to offer both snack, cans and bottles
  • Photocell in the delivery bin
  • When banked with H&C model, it offers a complete service


Design & User Interface

  • Designed to be banked with H&C Necta models
  • Small footprint for location with reduced space availability
  • Large window for an excellent product view
  • User interface and payment system on the master H&C machine
  • L.E.D. lighting of the cell


Electronics & Maintenance

  • 16 bit electronics with 4 mb flash eprom
  • Master/slave conncetion with Necta table top models
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